A centuries-old culture is the soul of the nation. This is a real connection between generations. Cossacks have very rich historical and cultural heritage, which is useful to educate present and future Cossacks. This will help to restore a sense of national dignity and the respect to their country, the revival of the Cossacks.

Festivals of Cossack culture are the important steps both for revival of the Cossacks culture and customs and the mass involvement of citizens into the Cossack movement. In the festival program will be included all kinds of contests: Cossack songs, dance etc. An integral part of the festival should be following:
- Theatrical performances, demonstration programs, contests, etc., that are performed with a Cossack colors, clothing, singing, horses, dancing. The show should be held in the Cossack historic places such as  Khortytsya, the Cossack village near Dikanka, etc.
- Dishes of national Ukrainian cuisine in the appropriate dishes and interior - all these are the genuine revival of Cossack life.
- Exhibitions of Cossack creativity: demonstrates of embroidery, musical instruments, Cossack pottery ware, and Cossack blacksmiths, made in ancient traditions by the modern Cossacks, Cossacks living items made by Cossack masters, crockery, and trappings: bridle, saddle, whips, etc.

Festivals should be carried out in different countries and regions as often as it possible because it is part of Cossack life, the revival of Cossack culture. There might be individual events as part of other cultural events. For example, the IUCF is going to hold a festival of Cossack culture in the framework of the International Sorochinskaya fair in Poltava region in August 2010.

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