By the decision of the Cossack Circle (of General Meeting) of the International Public Organization "International Union of Cossack Forces"
Protocol № 2 dated 10 May 2010
Supreme Ataman
___________P.N. KITSKO
(It has declarative character, is adjusted according to current
legislation of the country where registered office IUCF)
1.1 All local office of the ISO "International Union of Cossack Forces" (further- ISO"IUCF" or the Union), acting under the Statute and these Regulations. Its implementation is obligatory since the decision to establish of local branch. 1.2 These Regulation determines the procedure for the establishment, operation and closure of local offices of the "International Union of Cossack Forces" (the Union) on the basis of the decision of the Council of Ataman (hereinafter the Board) approved by the Supreme Ataman of the Union. 1.3 Real Statute is obligatory for all local offices of the Union, which will be established by members of local branches. 1.4 The local office of the Union is a association of citizens who are protecting their interests and realization of tasks defined by the Charter of the Union and its Statute. 1.5 The local office operates on the principles of free expression, equality of members, legality and transparency, openness to society and the media. 1.6 The local office operates according the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "about association of citizens" and other legislative acts of Ukraine, the law of states, where offices are created, the Charter of the Union, the Regulation and other legal decisions of the governing bodies of the Union. 1.7 The local office may acquire the legal personality only if the Union made that decision in advance. Branches that are not a legal person should legalize their activities through the establishment of communication. 1.8 The name of the local branch is the name of the settlement perhaps with details on the administrative-territorial division of Ukraine (or other countries where established offices). 1.9 The local office, for performing the task, have the right, on behalf of the Union: 1) to represent and to protect the legitimate interests of the members of the local offices and citizens; 2) to promote the ideas and aims among the public through print media or any other means not prohibited by law; 3) to participate in the political activities, to hold the public events (meetings, demonstrations, etc.); 4) to received the information from the local government and administration and the local authorities, necessary to realization of the tacks and objectives of the Union; 5) May make suggestions to the local government authorities over the realization the aims of the Union; 6) to promote the information and the ideas and aims of the Union.
1.10 The local office may have its own estimation, which adopt by the Union. 1.11 The local office may use the symbolism of the Union, approved by the governing bodies of the Union and to register it in the current legislation of Ukraine and the governing bodies of the Union. 1.12 The local offices and its members are free to make their proposals to the government of Defense and the Union. 1.13 The local branch has the right to disseminate information about the ideas, aims, the name and symbols of the Defense Ministry and the Union, as well as promote them. It is made in the order determined the governing bodies of the Union.
2.1 Regional, district, city, district in cities (IO in other countries, are under their administrative - territorial unit) local branches are formed and dissolved by the Ataman Board of approved by the Supreme Ataman of the Union. 2.2 For the formation of the regional offices, in Kiev, Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in other countries, the members of the initiative group should contact to the Council of the Union with the propose about establishment of the local branch. 2.3 For the formation of the district, city, district in the city local branch, the members of the Action Team should contact to the Council of Regional Field Office (Council of the city organization of Kyiv and Sevastopol). The decision on the feasibility of establishing such a center, the Chairman of the Regional Branch (the city branch of the cities of Kiev and Sevastopol) Regional local center should contact to the Council of the Union to make representations for the receipt of the decision to establish such a center. 2.4 The Council of the Union, in the event that appropriate launching of district, urban district in the local branch decides on the establishment of local offices. 2.5 Based on the decision of the Council of the Union, the members of the initiative groups are involved in the Constituent Assembly on the formation of the district, local, district in the local branch and submit the original of the protocol establishing the district, urban district in the local branch of the Board for approval Regional Ataman Council of the Union. The protocol includes the information about the founders, participants of the Constituent Assembly district, city and district in the local branch. 2.6 Regional Ataman Council of the Union in seven days of considering the documents on the establishment of district, urban district in the city and the local branch takes its own decision on the approval of the starting the local department and the approval of the decision on electing the chairman of the local offices. 2.7 After approval by the Ataman Council of regional Union, decision of the establishment of the district in the area of the district in the town, city, branch of the Union, the documents submitted to establish an office in the local judicial authorities in order to legalize the activities of the local branch.
3.1 The purpose of the local branch is union among the members of the Union in the territory (city, district, and region) in the aims, tasks, targets defined by the charter of the Union. 3.2 The objectives of the local branch is: 1 The representation of the Union; 2 Promotion of the goals and objectives of the Union under the Constitution.
4.1 The local office may have to use equipment and facilities necessary to carry out its activities, given by the Union, in accordance with the established order; 4.2 The order to use the property and funds available for using by the local branch is determined by the governing bodies of the Union, Assembly members and the chairman of the local branch, according to the Union recommendations. 4.3 The property and funds of the local branches are used to implement the tasks defined by the Charter of the Union and this Statute.
5.1 The local offices of the Union. The local branch of the Union is formed and operates under the administrative and territorial structure of Ukraine (or other states). Their activities extend to the territory of relevant administrative territorial units. The structure of regional and local organizations is determined by the Atamans of the Union. The local branch of the Union determines the forms and methods of operation, guided by the Statute, (Program of the Union), and the decisions of the governing bodies of the Union. 5.1.1. Local offices (regional centers - Regiment (Palanca), District (kosh), offices in Kiev, Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) and other countries. The basis of the local offices of the Union is the regional offices - Regiment (Palanca), District (kosh), offices in Kiev, Sevastopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, other countries The local office (regional centers, the center of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea), the Union consists of district, municipal and district offices. Kiev and Sevastopol city branch of the Union consists of the district in the city offices. In other countries the local offices are set up according to their administrative - territorial unit. Local branches are formed in the preliminary decision of the Council of the Union. 5.1.2. Local branches are formed on the constituent assembly and acquiring the status of office only after approval of the decision of the Assembly Council of the Union. Pending a decision by the Council of the Union for approval of the launching the Local office, such offices are not the structures of the Union. Local offices started and legalized in the established order may acquire the legal status in the manner prescribed by law only by the decision of the Ataman Council Union. 5.1.3. Local offices (regional centers, in Kiev, Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) should: 1) organize the implementation of policy instruments of the Union, the decisions of its governing bodies and their own; 2) coordinate the work of local offices within them; 3) develop a strategy and tactics for solving urgent problems of the territory, implement them; 4) collaborate with community and trade union organizations, local authorities and local authorities; 5.2. The governing bodies of local branches are the General Assembly, the Ataman Council; governing face is President (Ataman) of the respective offices. Governing bodies and chairman of the local offices act within the powers defined in this Regulation. 5.2.1. The highest governing body of the local branch is a general meeting of its members. The General Meeting shall be convened by the local branch of Atamans offices at least once every six months. Extraordinary General Meeting of the local branch may be convened at the request of its members and members of the local branch. The general meeting is plenipotentiary if in their work are involved 2 / 3 members of the local branch. Delegates to the General Meeting from the local branch are elected at meetings of district, city district, city offices. The number of representation of delegates at the General Meeting of the district in the city, city offices is established by the Ataman Council in local branch.
5.2.2. General Meeting may: 1) elect the Board of Atamans and local offices; 2) discuss the report of the Ataman Council, assess the work of the Ataman Council and Ataman 3) can choose the Vice-Ataman of the local office; 4) elect delegates to the large circle of the Union in accordance with established norms of representation; 5) decide to start the committee from the members of the Union, coming within a certain territory (region, district, city or area in the city) to the local center; 6) make decision about the key activities and the development of local offices in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Union and approved by the Ataman Union Activity Program; 7) approve of programs of local offices and mechanism for implementing programs and objectives of the Union; 8) approve the annual performance of the local branch; 9) cancel the decision of the governing bodies and Ataman its offices, as well as the decision of the governing bodies and Ataman offices within its structure; 10) decide on the necessity of convening the extraordinary Big Cola and send it to the Ataman Council Union; All decisions are taken by simple majority of votes of those present members (delegates). The voting procedure is determined by the Assembly. Solution of the Assembly is formalized into protocols. The book reports should be available to the members department at any time.
5.3. In the period between General Meetings field office headed by its Ataman Board and Ataman local branch. 5.3.1 The Council is elected by the General Meeting of the local branch in the amount of 7 to 11 persons, determined by the General Meeting of members for a term of three years. The Board is composed Ataman post offices. Number of members of the Local Branch may be increased or decreased only in consultation with the Council of the Union. 5.3.2. The Council shall be convened by the local branch leader of a band of local offices at least once every two months. Council meeting the local branch may be convened at the request of 2 / 3 members. The meeting has a quorum if the meeting 2 / 3 members. 5.3.3 The Council's decision taken at its meeting has a quorum if voted for him more than half of the members of the Council Ataman.
5.3.4. Council Ataman may: 1) manage the local office and is responsible for its activities; 2) make statements on behalf of the local branch; 3) call a Great meeting and determine the standards of representation for the offices are available in the local branch. The number of the representation is established in accordance with the principle of equal representation offices, depending on their size; 4) may elect from among its members the chairman offices; 5) may form a permanent or temporary executive, working and consultative and advisory bodies, determines their competence and structure, appoint and dismiss their leaders and determine the composition of consultative and advisory bodies; 6) set by the Union disposes of the funds and property of the organization, appoints the material makers within the limits. 7) accept the new members of the local branch of the Union with the subsequent confirmation of their membership in the Council of the Union; 8) decides to expel members from the ranks of the Union for acts incompatible with its charter or policy documents and submits for approval the decision of the Council of the Union by a qualified majority, not less than two-thirds vote of the members present the Board; 9) cancel the decision Ataman offices, as well as the decisions of the governing officials of organizations within that field office; 10) report to the members of the local branch of its activities at the General Meeting; 11) deal with other matters of local offices in accordance with the tasks assigned. In the period between general meetings, the meetings of the Council Ataman of the local branch are led by its President, elected by the Assembly. President of the Division is a member of the Ataman Council officio.
5.4. President (Ataman) of the local branch of the Union (regional offices, in Kiev, Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, other countries). President (Ataman) of the local branch is the executive body of the local branch. President (Ataman) of the local branch holds a meeting of the Assembly and presents for approval to the Council the questions to the discussion and voting. The candidature of the President (Ataman) of the local branch is recommended for election and approval by the Board of Atamans of the offices. President (Ataman) of the local office is guided by the Statute of the Union, the decisions of the governing and executive bodies of the department, these Regulations and legislation of Ukraine (other countries where the registered office). President (Ataman) of the local branch of the Union (regional offices, in Kiev, Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) is: 1) running the current, operational activities of the local branch on the basis of this Regulation; 2) presiding at the General Meeting of the Division; 3) on behalf of the local branch committing the legal actions, implements the statutory powers of the Union, according to their rights and responsibilities based on the received powers of attorney; 4) organizing the implementation of decisions of the Union and the General Meeting of members of the local branch and submit a report on their performance; 5) issuing to the General Meeting of the local branch; 6) analyzing the activities of local offices; 7) classifying the recommendations, initiatives of members of local departments and the citizens and sends them to the governing and executive bodies of the Union; 8) making ensure the current and future plans of the Union and local offices; 9) deciding on the hiring the staff members of the local branch; 10) reporting to the General Meeting of the local branch of the implementation of decisions taken; 11) helping to attract the new members to the Union; 12) organizing the keeping of the minutes book of the General Assembly of the local branch; 13) organizing the maintenance log books orders on the organization.
5.5. The local branch of the Union (in districts, cities, districts in cities – (kurin), hundreds) Local offices may be established in districts, cities, districts in cities, except in cases stipulated by the legislation of Ukraine, as well as in other countries according to their laws. Local branches are formed on the constituent assembly. The district, city district, city branch of the Union acquires the Statute of branches of the Union after their recognition by regional Ataman Council and the legalization office in accordance with applicable law. 5.1.1 Local branches of the Union (in districts, cities, districts in cities): 1) work to implement the decisions of the governing bodies of the Union, the program documents of the Union; 2) participate in the formulation and implementation of activities of centers of higher level; 3) develop a strategy and tactics for solving local problems; 4) coordinate the work of local offices, within them, assist them in solving urgent and long-term problems of the territory; 5) collaborate with trade union organizations, local executive authorities, local authorities, associations of citizens; 6) offer their activists in the governing bodies of the regiment, Union County and the respective regional centers; 7) manifest its position;