SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES UKRAINIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAS) - a respected scientific organization, established in 1991
The head of the UAS - President ONIPKO Alexei, PhD, State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology.
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences consists of 14 specialized departments in various scientific fields - physics and technical, humanitarian, medical, biological, etc., has its own about 50 research institutions, including the UAS branch in Italy (director Silvano PEDROLO), Russia ( Head Kyrylenko A.G.), Bulgaria (head Sergei ANDRIENKO). The UAS cooperates with scientific academies of foreign countries, including USA, Russia, Italy, Poland, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia, etc..
Recently (in 2010), signed an agreement with "RD JAPAN CO.," (Japan), on cooperation in the fields of engineering and technology, finance and investment and so on. In 2010 the Memorandum on Cooperation with YESA (International Agency for the European system ") under which the parties also intend to develop direct contacts and provide the scientific expert - software between the business circles of two countries: Ukraine - Austria.
Organization of the UAS work meets the conditions of modern market economy, academy institutes are performing research activities, explore and produce competitive products, ensuring its successful development.
The Institute of automated systems UAS (UAS director academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology VASHCHENKO V P.), which is a complex scientific and industrial structure, holds leading positions with various areas of development, most of which results exceed the world level. Camouflage cover "Contrast", implemented with the participation of the institute, more than all the known world analogues and this development was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine. Among other developments of the institute: - Sealing (packaging) for ammunition, which is easily twice as similar timber, is refractoriness to 600 C, . - Manufacturing basalt scales and items from it. - New materials for medicine. - Small arms: submachine gun, automatic, grenade launcher, sniper rifle, small pistol concealed carry, pistol (written in collaboration with government agencies that are licensed).
Example of successful productions to military use of this list should be a simulator for fighter aircraft "MIG-29, designed and manufactured unit led by academician UAS KRYVONOSOVA V.B. Unique technical parameters of the simulator combined with record low power consumption - about 4 kW. Basic principles of development - the modular design of the simulator - had previously tested at designing simulators helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24 ", air-cushion ships, aircraft etc. catamaran.
Institute of high iron and complex modifiers UAS (Director Corresponding Member. Voloschenko S.M.) specializes in studying high-iron with globular graphite and production technologies and strong wear-resistant parts made of this material. Among the developments should include: - Brake for railroad cars with high durability 2 times compared with those now used at the national railways, which have been certified for abroad and preparing for mass use.
- Oral for agricultural machinery (joint development with the Institute of Materials NASU), the average efficiency of which is 90-100 ha, compared with an average efficiency of 40 hectares Oral domestic steel production. Another benefit is when mass production, they have significantly lower cost compared to similar in characteristics.
Important to note that the main new technical solutions the above developments are patented invention or utility model with the assistance of the Department of Intellectual Property (supervisor academician UAS - A.G. Sinitsyn ) or the authors themselves.
Investment projects of these developments can be supplemented with financial support from potential investors with additional patents for invention (utility model), because most of them contain the know-how, with the likelihood of such protection.
It is worth to point the development of proprietary voting system (and poll) ballots (by Academician UAS ONIPKO A.F), which first demonstrated and received awards at many international exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad. Modification of the system and how automated voting ballots (sponsors academics UAS ONIPKO A.F. and A.G. Sinitsyn) received the award as the best inventions nationwide contest "Invention-2009.
It should be noted the successful work long head of the International Federation of Arts "Dragon" lead by academician Kitsko P.M. in sports and sports medicine, who received a patent for "Method of physical training sportsman" Dragon "in Ukraine and Russia, manages to improve a variety of sports projectiles, including at the level of invention. Under his initiative in 2010 was created the Military Cossacks Department UAS (UAS director academician UAS Kitsko P.M, Deputy AcademicianUAS – A.G Sinitsyn ), which aims to revive Cossack patriotism, diligence, discipline and other best achievements Cossacks in their modern transformation of modern society and market economic relations. Ideally the Ukrainians have to rebuild Ukraine as a strong state with a dynamic movement of capital, innovative production update, spiritually rich, with good living conditions and as a homeland for the entire Ukrainian community. Anatoly Sinitsyn, academician of the UAS, First Deputy MCD UAS.