ATAMAN COUNCIL of the International Union Cossack Forces Supreme Ataman of the IUCF:
1. KITSKO Pavel Nikolayevich - Academician and winner of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Prize, Head of the Military - Cossack Department UAS, President of the International Martial Arts Federation "Dragon", Master - patriarch of 10-dan, General – Colonel of the MCD UAS.
Chief Ataman of IUCF:
2.KOVAL Nikolai Alexandrovich - General Ataman of East Ukraine Cossacks, Deputy Head of the Military - Cossack Department of UAS. General - Colonel of the MCD UAS Members of the Ataman Council IUCF:
3.IEVLEV Alexander Maksimovich – Ataman of General Office of the IUCF, Lieutenant - General of the MCD UAS
4.KITSKO Pavel Pavlovich - Deputy Supreme Ataman of the International youth work and Cossack organizations, Ph.D., double world champion in martial arts, Master of 7-dan, Major – General of the MCD UAS
5.SINITSIN Anatoly Georgevich - Deputy Supreme Ataman of the Kiev Cossack district of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Head of Intellectual Property UAN, 1st deputy head of the MCD, the Lieutenant – General of the MCD UAS.
6.DUDKA George Prokofievich - Supreme Ataman of the Dnepr Cossack district of Ukraine (IUCF), honored worker of the Interior Ministry, General - Colonel of the MCD UAS
7.Rihard Rieger - Chief Ataman of Bavaria (Germany) Cossack District (IUCF Department), Major-General of the IUCF.
8. TIMOHIN Alexander Victorovich - Chief Ataman of the Eastern Cossack District of Ukraine in Donetsk region. (IUCF), General Ataman of the Don and Kuban Cossacks, Major - General of the MCD UAS
9.DUDNIK Ivan Mikhaylovich - Chief Ataman of the Dnepr Cossack district of Ukraine (IUCF), General Ataman of the Ukrainian Cossacks, General - Major of the MCD UAS.
10.LYUBKA Orestes Todorovic - Supreme Ataman Bucovinian - Carpathian Ukrainian Cossack District (IUCF), General-Major of the MCD UAS
11.KOROTKOV Igor Victorovich - Advisor Of the Supreme Ataman IUCF Tauride (Crimean) Cossack district of Ukraine (IUCF), General-Major of the MCD UAS.
12. ERMOLAEV Eugene Borisovich - Representative of the Moscow (Russia) Cossack District IUCF, President of the Academy "Sobor", General-Major of Cossacks.
13.ZHARDAN Trifona Nikolayevich. – Representative of Ataman Council of IUCF in the Republic of Moldova, Colonel of the IUCF
14.VASILENKO Ivan Nikolayevich – General - Colonel, Chief Ataman of the Cossack Eastern District IUCF(Lugansk region.) (Honored Worker and General - Major of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine)