Appointment of Plenipotentiary representatives. |
- Ratified by
the order (¹
1/8-12 from 08.01.2012)
of the Supreme ataman IUCF and head of MCD UAS KITS’KO P.N. by the
envoy plenipotentiaries of «International Union of Cossack Forces»
and «military-cossack department of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences»
with the appropriation of ranks of colonels of the cossacks:
- In
- Michael KREJANY
Doctor of medical sciences of the
Melbourne university,
Author of books on medicine and
Michael Krejany
Melbourne Australia -
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In Argentina and Brazil
Ramiro Guerrero (Buenos Aires)
Professor, doctor of criminal law
in Universities of Argentina and Brazil, consultant of institute of
strategic researches of the USA,
Author 15 books on an international
law and fight against international terrorism
Ramiro Anzit Guerrero -
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